DuPage Society of Model Engineers
The DuPage Society of Model Engineers is a separate non-profit group that has built and maintained the HO gauge Model Train since 1965. The Society meets every Wednesday from 8-10pm for operation and maintenance; also on the third and fifth Saturdays of the month from 1:30-3:30pm to operate for the public. Members must be at least 16 years old.
The DuPage Society of Model Engineers is seeking new members to share the passion of model trains. Those interested in model railroading and helping to maintain and operate the Museum railroad exhibit should contact:
- Ken Valentine at 630.668.6017 or [email protected]
- Tom Schneider at 630.885.1817 or [email protected]
Trains run from 1:30-3:30pm on the third and fifth Saturday of each month. View all scheduled Train Saturdays >
January 20
February 17
March 17* &31
April 21
May 19
June 16* & 30
July 21
August 18
September 15* & 29
October 20
November 17
December 15* & 29
* Explorer’s Club Members get an extra hour with the train! For more information, go to Memberships.