The First Shot at Gettysburg: History, Reenactors, and Award Presentation
Saturday, July 1 | 10A-2P | Museum Auditorium & Adams Park | FREE
Celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the Illinois National Guard
Wheaton resident Capt. Marcellus Jones fired the first shot at Gettysburg 160 years ago, learn more about his fascinating story and honor local historians who keep this history alive.
Attend reenactors’ displays in Adams Park, presentations at the Museum and explore tables with relics and artifacts.
10A-1P | Reenactors’ displays in Adams Park, tables with artifacts and snacks at the Museum
1P | Marcellus Jones Presentation and small awards ceremony at the Museum
The event is hosted by the Illinois National Guard, Illinois Military Museum, City of Wheaton Historic Commission and City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission and the Museum.
Call 630-510-4941 or email [email protected] for more information.