Speaking Engagements
The DuPage County Historical Museum provides the opportunity for groups to learn about the history of important events that took place within the county from a Museum staff member. The 45 minute presentations take place at your location and can be customized based on the needs of the group.
Please contact Michelle Podkowa, Museum Manager and Educator, at [email protected] or 630.510.4956 to schedule your presentation at least two weeks in advance.
$100 for nonprofit organizations (proof of nonprofit status must be provided)
$150 for 45 minute presentation
$200 for a customized program
Please note: Depending on location, a travel fee may be charged.
Presentations currently offered
- General DuPage History
- Wheaton History
- The Great Depression
- 1960s Fashion
- The Evolution of American Lighting
- History of the Girl Scouts
- The History of Railroads in Wheaton or DuPage County
- Architecture of Wheaton
- Inheriting DuPage: 175 years of DuPage County
- 1917: Catalyst for the Modern Era (WWI, prohibition, suffrage, etc.)
- Death in DuPage: Victorian Mourning Rituals
- The Sporting Life of DuPage
- DuPage Architects
- Home Grown: Agricultural History of Northern Illinois
- Making the Grade: DuPage School History
- History of Women in DuPage
- Of Mustaches and Men (Men’s fashion styles and facial hair)